Domestic Adoption
Start by making that first step!
Domestic adoption is governed by the Code for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, Law 136-03 of August 7, 2003 in its articles 111 to 169.
This is the type of adoption that can be carried out by resident and citizen couples of the Dominican Republic. To do this, they must comply with the requirements set forth in the law. For example, among these requirements, it is included that the adopters are in the age range of 30 to 60 years, that they have been married for at least three years or five years of free union, and that there is a difference of 15 years between the adopter and the adopted.
Although all of the above is very technical, adoption for us is not just that. Adoption is a legal tool that allows children and adolescents to access good social integration and family protection. It is a way to help children who otherwise would not have access to a family. Of course, it is a very important process that must be carried out under the supreme supervision of the State.
In our program for domestic adoptions, we guide you to make the process as simple as possible. So we compile and prepare all the necessary documentation to submit the formal adoption request to the Central Authority, the National Council for Children and Adolescents (CONANI). We also carry out all the legal procedures before the corresponding NNA Court to obtain the adoption judgment.
To make the process clearer to you, we recommend that you read and investigate all the information about the adoption process in the Dominican Republic. If you want to carry out this important step, on our website you can find many resources and information so you know how the whole adoption process of that child or adolescent who is waiting for a home works.